Just a quick note to let you know that the pod will be back this weekend, and on a regular schedule after that.
We had to cancel Saturday because my allergies and overnight coughing obliterated my voice, and I’ve just been trying to get it back together.
Full pod schedule for the rest of May is below (unless we need an emergency pod). Speaking of which, would you like a schedule at the start of each month? Let us know.
May 18th - 8am EST
May 21st - 9:15pm EST (or thereabouts pending when Mike gets out of work)
May 26th - 11am EST
May 30th - 9:15pm EST (or thereabouts pending when Mike gets out of work)
Thanks for the update, I thought I was going crazy! Hope you're feeling better, Spike.
Also, a schedule would be awesome for two reasons:
1) It means I don't have to refresh my YouTube every night like a maniac hoping that "tonight's the night we get a pod."
2) It would give me something to look forward to. I literally just put the pod schedule on my Google calendar just now. Yes, it is that important!
Glad to have an update, thought this morning maybe something happened to CJ on his run this weekend and so pods were cancelled!