It’s amazing it’s taken us this long to do a Queens Of The Stone Age album. So thanks to listener Bryan! As well, one of my favorite albums ever in Marvelous 3, and an awesome new song Mutlu found.
Albums discussed are Queens Of The Stone Age’s ‘Songs For The Deaf’ (7:38), and Marvelous 3’s ‘Hey! Album’ (31:38). Then we discuss the new single from Michael Kiwanuka called 'The Rest Of Me' (56:30).
Get tickets to Live Carl 2 on November 20th at this link:
For all of Mutlu’s tour dates and tickets visit
This episode was recorded on November 10th, 2024
To suggest an album for CLRC hit the link below:
The intro music is "I Should Let You Know" by Marian Hill.
This is Carl Landry Record Club episode #152