[11.20.18] Markelle Fultz Emergency Again, Zhaire Smith Lost 20 Pounds
Hey another weird Markelle Fultz story. Cool!
Markelle Fultz’s lawyer (agent) today informed the team and the public that he will not be playing or practicing with the team until he sees a shoulder specialist on Monday. Elton Brand and the team seemed surprised by this information. Then he participated in a light shootaround with the team. Also, John Gonzalez says that Zhaire Smith lost 20 pounds due to his allergy and may not play this year. The Sixers!
BIG NEWS! We’re re-releasing the Process Or Die and Lottery Party 2016 “Names On The Back” shirt, along with the Rebel “Normal Collars” shirt next Friday, Black Friday. All shirts will be 30% off on Friday, then 15% off Saturday and Sunday. They’ll all be available along with the Process Hall Of Fame shirt in the t-shirt store.