Good Morning!
Actually from a Sixers standpoint this morning kind of sucks. Losing a double overtime game to a team that is actively trying to lose… not great!
Before we get to the point of the email, I just want to address one specific basketball-related thing; there is a sentiment I’ve heard from fans (and occasionally Mike) that the regular season does not matter for the Sixers, only the playoffs matter, so we shouldn’t take the fact that they are .500 and losing to teams that are trying to lose very seriously.
In my humble opinion, this is bullshit. It's almost 1/3 of the way through the season.
There are two kinds of teams (aside from rebuilding teams), where you can confidently say “the regular season doesn’t matter, let’s see what happens in the playoffs.”
1. A team full of players who have won titles before, and are struggling in the regular season.
2. A team full of players who have have not yet succeeded in the playoffs, and are dominating in the regular season.
It does not include the following kind of team:
1. A team who has not advanced past the second round, whose two best players have notably failed in the playoffs, and also are bad in the regular season.
Do you have to melt down every time they lose? Of course not. Can you honestly and fairly express grave concern about the team’s ability to succeed at the highest level? Yes. No question.
Anyway, lots of love. Now on to the point of the email...
We have a podcast to record (and live on YouTube on Wednesday night), and we'd really like to do a full mailbag and voicemail podcast, rather than just saying we'll get to them and then never do it. There's no game till Friday! So here's what we need from you:
Good, creative, interesting or fun questions via email or voicemail.
Email: rightstorickysanchez@gmail.com
Voicemail: 833-LICKFACE
Get them in by the end of the day on Tuesday if you could.