The Opening Tip
Hello & Happy Friday - It's the Corner Three
Huge Stateside Bottle, $10 Off Here

Oh Yeah, The Sixers

Sigh.....Oh boy
On mental toughness/general toughness
Very sobering to hear more than one player mention just how immature the team was or mentally weak not just in the Heat series but in the Toronto series as well. That's not all on the coach, he'll get his later, for this instance, it's on the players and more specifically the leader(s). Bottom line really is that this roster was not built to grind or fight through a Goddamn thing. They are front runners who react exactly how frontrunners react when shit goes south.
On the coach
Time to roll. Daryl Morey said what he was supposed to say 12 hours after elimination but in no way can you consciously keep a guy at the helm who's players admitted to quitting during the biggest game of their seasons. The list goes on and on but for now fuck outta here oldhead.
On the big guy
Another summer of (right or wrong) people questioning if he'll ever get it done or have the pieces around him to do so, or if his body will ever let him see the glory we all want him to. My prevalent thought is Jo has to go into "Fuck you" mode. The conditions are never going to be perfect and eventually if you are who we all (most of us atleast) think you are, it's time to say fuck it and tear the world down.
On Morey
Blood on his hands for falling asleep during and after the Harden trade, making light of the backup center situation and just not working the margins in general. Extremely pivotal summer on deck and he may have to get as creative as he's ever gotten to fix the shortfalls on this team.
Our Guys
The first official offseason pod...star hunting (again)
The rest of the playoffs are ruined.

Last Summer I got an email from a Ricky listener named Dave who said his friend Mike was diagnosed with brain cancer. I gave Mike a call, we talked about what a fucking disappointment the Sixers were (it was after the Hawks series), and he let me know he was going through treatment, and it was going well. The treatment was effective and he got back close to himself.
I heard from Mike yesterday, and there has been a new tumor diagnosis (the third one), and it's inoperable. There is a GoFundMe set up to help Mike and his wife and two kids through this. The bills pile up, as you can imagine.
After a push yesterday, we did generate some good donations (even Daryl helped out!), but anything you can do to help would be appreciated. Thanks for thinking of someone in the Ricky community.
Peace, Love and Process
Well..Let the hunting begin
