Going to make this quick... we need a t-shirt count! We love procrastinating as much as anyone, but if you're putting off joining our Bark In The Park team, please stop putting off! We need a count on t-shirts, and it would be helpful if you do it now.
This year, if you join our team and raise at least $75, you'll get our official team shirt (scroll down).
Perhaps you've seen, we once again have a team for the Providence Animal Center Bark In The Park, 2021. It's October 23rd in Media (or virtual, we don't care). The goal is 100 team members and $15,000 raised.
SIGN UP HERE for the team! Thank you to Big Barker and By Nature who are paying for the shirts. Remember to go to bigbarker.com/ricky to get your bed with the Process Pup patches, and use code 20RTRS at Amazon or Chewy to get 20% off your first By Nature Pet Foods order.
Of course, if you don't want to join the team and just want to donate, you can do that at the link as well.
Thank you!