Four new shirts, all 25% off until 11:59pm on Friday night. They're all weird, high-quality screen printed, soft and lovely, and super cheap for the day. Get them here, and see them below.

Boathouse Row is... fine? But it doesn't scream "Philly basketball." The Friday's on City Line, that's a different story. They have the City Series, we've got the City Line Series. If you take a close look, you'll enjoy every poorly hidden Easter Egg. "What is that?" your friends will ask.

Every year on Black Friday we do the famous "The Shirt" in a new color. This will be the first time that the logo has ever been on a shirt and not in white or black. We decided to pay a small nod to our leader Daryl's former place of employment, using classic Houston colors.

If at any time you're presented with a tough decision, you will probably want to ask yourself the question, "What would Daryl do?" Morey had to know he was getting on a shirt right? We'll send him one. We also include his now legendary quote at the bottom, sure to be thrown in our faces when this all blows up.

This one is truly for the die-hards, as we think it was just said on one pod with Mutlu and Amos. It's a two-sided ditty, with a fabulous Stay Free My Goose art on the front, and the Carl Landry Record Club logo on the back. It's sort of like an emo t-shirt for a non-existent emo band (so far). Stay free, my goose.