5 Things I Love and 5 Things Absolutely Irking Me About the Sixers
Tough times for Zo with the stuck-on-one-win Sixers.
What I Love
1. Vocal Maxey
Not sure if this is the Maxey we would have gotten two years ago, but he (albeit 90% by force) has been pretty up front about what’s going on, team and locker-room wise, and what his daily charges are and what he’s trying to get out of guys right now. Training wheels are way off, so I’m going to try not to baby him this yearm but he’s my guy and life is hard so I’m proud of the leadership steps he’s taking.
2. They all like each other
Seemingly at least. And that counts for something!
3. Jared McCain
Circumstances be damned, had his best game of the year in extended minutes against the Pistons and then was even better against the Grizzlies, looking the part for sure of a guy who will be part of the consistent rotation sooner than later. Rookies are notoriously up and down, but I think his claim to fame will surely be his effort, even when that jumper isn’t falling. He’s strong with the ball, keeps his head on a swivel and if he continues to show willingness to get his hands dirty I can’t see Nick Nurse having many reasons to not give him some meaningful burn.
4. Small ball center Yabu
No. 1 on my list of “He can do no wrong for me,” particularly after helping them nearly steal that game Monday night in Phoenix. He’s going to be a ton of fun next to reincarnated Joel.
5. K.J. Martin’s contract
Love the guy and his potential but December 15th is a mere 45 days away so I hope he rents.
What’s Irking Me
1. Everything else!
Just kidding — but seriously, a team supposedly built to withstand a few nights without one or two of its best players hasn’t been doing a particularly great job of it.
2. Mad Max forcing it
This one is tough because he realizes that right now the only way they can win is if he literally scores 45 or damn near and that’s not necessarily what his game is predicated on in terms of being an unrepentant gunner but alas.
3. Shooting 33% from three as a team
They were dead fucking last in the league before their hot shooting night in Phoenix dragged them all the way up to No. 25.
4. Bone bruises
Self-explanatory. (Welcome back though finally PG!)
5. NBA’s player participation policy
I don’t care about the policy itself — I get it, protect the integrity of the game, a.k.a. don’t make the TV partners think they paid 76 billion for a bullshit product — so whatever, do your thing. And maybe it’s just me reading too much — but I find it hard to believe that ears didn’t perk up until Morey/Nurse made it clear on record that Embiid playoff health meant more than Embiid regular season health, and they would move in that manner.