Colangel-Oh Shit He's Still Here
He who wears a normal collar continues to wear the crown, and the boys continue to do podcasts about it. They really haven't talked about anything else. Mike hasn't even promoted his show--MIKE ELBOWS KRISTEN IN THE RIBS AND TAKES OVER NEWSLETTER
Hi it's me Mike from the pod. The show I created, ALIVE IN DENVER, is coming to the television festival SeriesFest in Denver, CO -- so if you or someone you know will be in Denver this June 23rd or June 24th and wants to watch the show then see me Ricky my way through a Q&A when it's not about the Sixers, buy tickets here, I'd love to see you! The show also got into the New York Television Festival in mid-July in Manhattan, but the screening schedule is not out yet. Here's a trailer for the pilot if you're interested-- KRISTEN HITS MIKE WITH A FROGSPLASH AND RE-TAKES NEWSLETTER
Below is the latest Burnergate/Woodergate/Collargate/Bry Of Pigs pod. Make sure you're subscribed to the Ricky so you get it right away when the Colangelo domino finally falls.
And of course, we have a new Detrick-inspired t-shirt to commemorate the controversy. All proceeds go to our charities!