[12.22.18] 2018 Year In Review: Burners, Brand and Boston
It was a weird year, we wouldn’t have it any other way.
2018 was another weird year for all of us, and we wouldn’t have it any other way. We go through the biggest things that happened in Sixers and Ricky land throughout the year, and what they feel like in retrospect. Of course we discuss Embiid's All-Star appearance, last year’s playoffs, Burnergate, the Butler trade, Fultz, the confetti game, the Elton Brand hire, and much, much, much more. For even more on the year in Sixers, check out AU’s top 100 moments of 2018. We also debut a new song about the podcast from Philly band Hurry.
Fly The Process IV to Minnesota has less than 100 spots left! Let’s go see Roco and Dario. The trip will be March 29th until April 1st, is actually cheaper than the Atlanta trip, and will allow us to see and cheer for our old friends Roco and Dario, and maybe try to reunite the Core Four of the Process. All of the details are right here. Space will be limited, and it’s only $150 to reserve your spot. You’ll also get our Guns N Roses inspired commemorative Core Four t-shirt (Hinkie in the center, Roco bottom, Embiid top, Dario right, and TJ on the left). Reserve your spot now! If you can’t pay for the entire thing right away, that’s cool! Phans of Philly can put together a very flexible payment plan for you. Look, you could go on a normal vacation, but just about everyone knows that’s way less fun. Come and Fly The Process with us. The midwest will never be the same after this.