[07.30.16] Sixers Offseason Doldrums, Dave Spadaro And Relationship Advice
It is undoubtedly the offseason. Not the draft, Summer League sort of offseason, but the check in on Eagles training camp, talk even more about Jahlil Okafor, discuss the Sixers change in 'analytics guys,' and do an extended Relationship Advice segment.
It is undoubtedly the offseason. Not the draft, Summer League sort of offseason, but the check in on Eagles training camp, talk even more about Jahlil Okafor, discuss the Sixers change in 'analytics guys,' and do an extended Relationship Advice segment.
Thanks to Dave Spadaro, host of the Eagles Live Podcast, for checking in from Eagles training camp. Follow Dave on Twitter @DaveSpadaro, and check out the Eagles Live Podcast.
And a million thanks to Eliza Hardy Jones, a process truster who donated her amazing song 'Couldn't Leave You' as the official theme of Relationship Advice. You can find out more about Eliza on her website, and check out her album 'Because Become.' She's from Philadelphia and has hinted to us that she may work on a Sixers-centric ballad toward the end of the Summer.
Also, check out this tweet to see kids in Romania saying "Trust The Process."
LL Pavorsky Jewelers is not only the exclusive sponsor of The Rights To Ricky Sanchez, it's run by the best guy, LL Pavorsky. You should visit LL if you're in need of jewelry, or if you just want to hang out.
LL Pavorsky is located at 707 Walnut St. in Philadelphia, online at LLPavorsky.com, on the phone at 215-627-2252 or just hit Lee up on Twitter @LLPavorsky. Tell him you're a Truster, he's one of us. For every show, Lee makes a generous donation to the Alzheimer's Association of the Delaware Valley and RAINN.
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